Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another Jerusalem weekend

Unless you have specific plans, which I did not, the weekend in Jerusalem isn't very interesting. This time I wasn't the only one home, though. Liz got sick, so Charlie and Becca stayed home to help her. On Friday I went to the shook to get some challa, and I spent the rest of the day not doing all that much. I went to dinner with the remaining people at what was probably the only restaurant open in the entire city. It wasn't bad; they even had that sparkling apple juice we love so much.

On Saturday evening, after doing nothing at all for most of the day, I went down to Ben Yehuda for a bit. There were all sorts of things going on, including what seemed to be a Chinese choir. I got some dinner and then walked around a bit. The first time I passed it, the bookstore was closed, but they opened by the second time (I was wandering), so I popped in. I needed some books for the plane back, so I picked up two that were highly recommended to me: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the first Discworld book.

And that's about it. Today we have a speaker, so that should be interesting.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jerusalem Pride

Since we've had so little to do at work lately, Jacob and I decided to call in before leaving the apartment yesterday. It turns out there wasn't much of anything for us to do there, but Dalit had some other work for us. So she used the phone and email to give us what we needed to do. Jacob and I agreed to take the day off and start on Sunday, since neither of us was really feeling up for it that day. That night, the whole group went to the Old City to see the "Night Spectacular" at the King David Citadel. Before that, a few of us went to a very strange Armenian bar. Among the "hot deserts" on the menu were ice cream and a hooka. The drink orders were interesting; "beer, beer, beer, fanta, beer, beer". The people with me ordered the hooka as well, but canceled it when it was taking too long. The show was pretty awesome; it used a lot of the same techniques as the thing they showed at the light show earlier in the trip, and a lot of the projections looked 3D. It was overall pretty awesome.

Today, I didn't do too much until the pride parade. I had a bit of trouble getting to the park where it started, but I made my way there and joined the group. The march itself was pretty short; only an hour. There were a bunch of speeches in Hebrew that I didn't understand, but the music was good and there was a lot of energy. Lots of fun; glad I went.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Crisis Averted

Well, after a frantic search I found my G1 charger and adapter under the couch, and there's no reason for it to have been there.

I'm just not in a good mood tonight. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. This is assuming I get much sleep, which doesn't seem likely; my roommates are insisting we let someone else sleep on the other couch, and knowing my luck he probably snores too. Here's hoping, right?

Like I said, not in a good mood.

Naked Mole Rats in the Bible?

I actually thought today was Monday, because I literally don't remember anything that happened on Sunday.

On Monday, we once again had very little to do at work. We worked on a table of data for fundraising or something, and we were only there for about two hours. When I got back, a few people were going to the zoo. After changing my mind about three times, I decided to join them. It's a biblical zoo, so it has animals that were in the bible. But as they m,made quite clear, they did NOT have a pig; just an animal that looks like one (I forget what it's called). Some highlights include some playful bears, climbing monkeys, a bunch of young ibexes, a pelican that nearly bit Ben (it was sitting very close to the railing), and what we think were naked mole rats giving birth. That is, we know they were naked mole rats, and we're pretty sure they were giving birth right there in the exhibit. I can't decide if the little baby ones were cute or gross (the adults are the latter). In another part of the exhibit, one of the naked mole rats was continuously trying and failing to climb up something. He's probably still trying.

Today was another very short work day. After an hour of work we had the ulpan, during which I showed off my inability to read maps well, and that's about it. Maybe I'll do something fun tonight. I slept on the couch the last two nights, and I probably will again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Boring Weekend

So, on Tuesday we went to Tel Aviv where they were having a big festival for the centennial. After Itzik gave us a brief tour of Jaffa, we were set loose. I browsed around a bit with Alex around the market, and after we had some food, we met up with Itzik, Charlie, Becca, and some others at a restaurant called Doctor Shakshuka or something.

Not much happened after that, unfortunately. We browsed the festival a bit but there wasn't much to see.

There were only a few of us eho didn't stay for the weekend. I wanted to, but I didn't have my medication or a place to stay. From what I've heard, I didn't miss much. It was really hot, and people were doing exactly what they do here: drinking and smoking.

The rest of the weekend was boring, but at least with the apartment to myself I was able to sleep. Last night I got no sleep at all. I tried to get to sleep before my roommates, the Snoring Wonders, but they were very loud and wouldn't close the door no matter how many times I asked them. With Scott on our couch for absolutely no good reason, I couldn't use that for refuge. I ended up going outside. Ben was out there and offered to let me sleep on their couch. I tried that, but it wasn't very effective. So, I got no sleep. I will try to take a nap after work today, but the apartment will be as loud as it was last night, so I doubt I will have too much luck.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


My posts will probably be shorter from now on, since I am forced to use my G1 instead of my laptop. And I mean. Actually usibng the browser, since I cannot figure out the way to make Blogger in English and figure out email-based posting. The reason for this problem is that my laptop's AC adapter is commpletely dead. The computer side has been on the verge of fraying to death for a while now, but I didn't think it would actually break as long as I was careful. Apparently I wasn't careful enough. I doubt I will be able to replace it until I get home, since I have to order it online. The charger for my DS is also dead for some reason. That's easier and cheaper to replace, but I will still probably have to wait until I get home.

Today I went to Malcha Mall to see if I could replace at least one of them, but not only did I have no luck, I got on the wrong bus home again. Luckily the driver was a nice guy, and he took me to the right stop to get another bus. I got a funny book at the mall, but no chargers. I'm stuck with my G1 for now.

When I got home from the mall, I decided to stop by the convenience store for something to drink. There I met up with some girls from the program who informed me that not only was almost everyone out drinking. They also told me one of the rooms had mice. Shortly after I got home, they caught one in a humane trap and asked me to help get rid of it. I felt kind of bad for it.

Anyway, here I am, about ready for bed. Tomorrow we are going to Tel Aviv, so I will post again soon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gay rights and sushi

So, Sunday was the first day of volunteer work. Me and Jacob worked at the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance (or just Jerusalem Open House), helping them prepare for the upcoming gay pride march in Jerusalem. Specifically, we were tasked with updating the English version of the website and getting the word out on english-speaking websites. It was actually pretty easy, and the people who work there are really cool. It's a small place; they hold meetings and events there, as well as a youth group and a clinic. The only person working when we got there wasn't actually expecting us; our contact at the place came later.

After work, a bunch of us went to a sushi place near the apartments. It wasn't great, but it was pretty good; I got a Tiger roll and it was pretty good, but not too filling. After that we all headed to the old city for the light show. "Light show" is a pretty vague term; basically, they lit up a bunch of stuff in the old city in cool ways, had some booths set up where you can buy cool light things, and had some other lighty attractions. The best part was a short film called "Ori". Basically they took one of the old buildings and put screens on three of the windows. These screnes each showed part of the scene, panorama-style. But a lot of the stuff interacted with the rest of the building, and the audience. Leaves would fall off trees and fall onto the ledge of the building under the screen, water would flow off the screen and trickle down the building's arches, and lights behind the lower windows changed based on the scene. When a car was driving, for example, the lights would reflect where the headlights pointed, and when they pointed at the audience, bright lights would shine. It kicked butt, basically.

We called it a night after that and a little bit of arguing over what we would eat; nobody could decide. So we went back to the apartments and went from there. This morning, we started work a little bit later, and we only had to be there for an hour; our guy wasn't there, and the stuff he asked us to do in his email was easy. So, after some more sushi, Jacob and I went back to the apartments until it appeared my computer charger died. As it turned out, it's just a crappy plug. Obviously it's working now, but not before I went to the other side of the city trying and failing to replace it. Tomorrow a few of us are going to check out the big mall in the city, but for now I think it's time for bed.